Australia has the world’s highest incidence of malignant mesothelioma per capita, with more than 700 new cases diagnosed each year, and it has been estimated that there were at least another 1,500 Australians with lung cancer caused by asbestos.
This is a tragic consequence of the intensive use of asbestos and its products in Australia in the previous century and is estimated that as many as one in three homes in Australia contains asbestos. As a response to this legacy, the Asbestos and Dust Diseases Research Institute (ADDRI) was opened in 2009 and is a state-of-the-art medical research facility dedicated to the prevention and treatment of asbestos and dust-related diseases, particularly asbestos-related lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma and silicosis.
All applications are to be submitted to the Academic and Research Director for consideration As ADDRI is a not-for-profit medical research organisation, it is unlikely that a research program will have the funds to take on a postgraduate student without scholarship funding. However, there are various scholarship schemes on offer and can be found through The Good Universities Guide.