The workshop was sponsored by a Regional Collaboration Programme grant, The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and delivered by ADDRI in association with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO).
The workshop provided the unique opportunity for members of the ADDRI team to convene with international representatives from varying training backgrounds to share expertise aimed to advance the Philippines capacity to detect, diagnose and treat cases of ARD, with particular emphasis on mesothelioma. Eight ADRI team representatives; Prof Ken Takahashi, Dr Yuen Yee Cheng, Dr Kenneth Lee, Dr Anthony Linton, Dr Matthew Soeberg, Dr Ben Johnson, Ms Jocelyn McLean and Ms Ari Yuen presented a series of informative presentations relating to the epidemiology, molecular biology, research practice, pathological diagnosis, clinical treatment, patient care and industrial hygiene perspective of mesothelioma.
The main purpose of these presentations was to elicit an awareness of mesothelioma within the Philippines community to facilitate an improved, multi-disciplined and collaborative response to combat the rising incidence in mesothelioma cases. The workshop was successful in terms of advertising ADDRI’s firm stance on the global elimination of asbestos use and asbestos-related disease; as well as further expanding ADDRI’s valuable networks with international collaborators.
You can watch the video below: